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Be careful. Taking medicine like this is "taking poison"


Health > Knowledges

Be careful. Taking medicine like this is "taking poison"

Now many people will prepare some commonly used drugs at home, especially the elderly. They have many basic diseases and do not like to go to the hospital. They often take drugs at home. However, it should be noted that there are many mistakes in family medication. A little carelessness will not relieve the pain, but may also lead to serious consequences. Jun 09, 2024

Now many people will prepare some commonly used drugs at home, especially the elderly. They have many basic diseases and do not like to go to the hospital. They often take drugs at home. However, it should be noted that there are many mistakes in family medication. A little carelessness will not relieve the pain, but may also lead to serious consequences.


Common Mistake: Drug Selection Based on Feelings

It is a common misconception to choose medicine by feeling. Some elderly people feel that they know their own body very well and have their own views and judgments about their illness with the mentality of "becoming a doctor after a long illness". Therefore, when their body is not in good time, they often judge their illness according to their own "experience" or the experience of their neighbors and use drugs without authorization. The survey found that a considerable number of elderly patients used drugs according to their feelings. For example, the elderly suddenly feel abdominal pain at home. Without knowing the cause of the disease, they will act as if they are suffering from stomach disease, and use analgesics or stomach drugs to treat them. However, this may cover up some acute abdominal disease or cardiovascular problems, leading to illness delay, or even serious consequences.


Common Mistakes 2. Use of repeated drugs

Many drugs often have multiple effects. Some drugs have the same effect, but their shapes or manufacturers are different, or the main corresponding symptoms are different, or the applicable people are different. Some elderly patients believe that the more kinds of drugs they take, the better their condition will be. They simply think of treating diseases as "fighting", as if the medicine they take is the soldiers they send out, and the more the better. But many elderly people can't distinguish whether various medicines contain the same ingredients. If you just add medicine blindly, you may cause other damage to your body due to the excessive amount of certain ingredients in the medicine you take. For example, excessive intake of acetaminophen can lead to liver function damage.


Three Common Mistakes: Superstitious Health Care Drugs and Advertising Drugs

Now many elderly people are very concerned about health programs, or related information and advertising. However, due to the inability to identify the excessive publicity, some elderly patients tend to listen to and believe in advertising drugs, believing that the latest and most expensive drugs are the best drugs for curing diseases. As a result, these exaggerated drugs will not only affect the treatment of diseases, but also cause waste of resources.


Common Misunderstanding 4 Abuse of Antibiotics

Some elderly patients use antibiotics at will after runny nose or sneezing, regardless of whether their body temperature meets the medication standard; Or when the body temperature just exceeds 37 ℃, you can use antibiotics at will without knowing whether it is bacterial infection or viral infection. Research shows that blindly using antibiotics to treat inflammation caused by non bacterial infection can not only not cure diseases, but also cause bacterial resistance, and even superbacteria. When the body is really infected by bacteria and inflammation occurs, antibiotic treatment will not work. Not only that, abuse of antibiotics is also harmful to the human body. Before drugs reach the focus, they need to go through a series of metabolic processes, adding a lot of metabolites, which are harmful to liver, kidney and other organs. Therefore, the use of antibiotics should be cautious, preferably under the guidance of doctors.


Common Mistakes 5: Frequent Drug Change or Sudden Drug Withdrawal

As the saying goes, illness comes like a mountain falls, and goes like a thread. Any kind of medicine takes a certain time to take effect, not overnight. We all know the truth, but sometimes we change the medicine frequently in a hurry to get better. Some patients even take the medicine for a day or two, and they change the medicine without much effect, or add the medicine without following the doctor's instructions. In addition, many elderly people often stop taking medicine when their body temperature returns to normal after a fever. However, the bacteria in their bodies are not completely removed at this time, and the disease may recur after stopping taking medicine.

At present, as offline drug buying and community drug buying become more and more convenient, the drug safety problem of the elderly is gradually emerging. As a family member, we should pay more attention to the drug safety of the elderly, supervise and urge their drug use, and avoid greater harm due to medication errors.
