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What is the "oil" in your ears? Can you dig it out


Health > Knowledges

What is the "oil" in your ears? Can you dig it out

If you want to rank the comfortable behaviors of human beings, ear digging must be on the list. But there is one kind of ear, not only the earwax out is oily, but also the outside of the ear canal is oily. What is this "oil" really about? Why do some people have dry ears and some people are born with ear oil? Jun 07, 2024

If you want to rank the comfortable behaviors of human beings, ear digging must be on the list. But there is one kind of ear, not only the earwax out is oily, but also the outside of the ear canal is oily. What is this "oil" really about? Why do some people have dry ears and some people are born with ear oil?

Why do ears itch

01 Get angry

There is a kind of ear itching caused by getting angry. When you suddenly have itchy ears, you can think about whether you have eaten too many angry things or stayed up late recently.

If so, remember to recuperate, try to eat a light diet and sleep well, and the itchy ears will gradually be relieved.


02 Otitis externa
Once the external auditory canal enters the water, it will cause the ear wall to become damp. If the skin of the external auditory canal is damaged by pulling out the ear again, it will make the mold and fungus easy to invade, thus causing inflammation of the external auditory canal, making the ear uncomfortable, stuffy and slightly painful.


03 Bad habits
The occurrence of many diseases is related to bad habits. Some people's bad habit of pulling out their ears may cause ear itching, such as using cotton swabs, fingernails, or even small sticks to pull out their ears.
In addition, some people do not stop digging until they are clean. They always try to dig into the ear, which is very easy to damage the subcutaneous tissue of the ear. If the earwax is dug too clean, it is easier for external harmful substances to enter the ear, which will also cause dryness of the external ear canal, causing ear itching.


04 Mites
Many people have itchy ears, but they can't pull out anything. It may be caused by mites in their ears.
It is estimated that all of us are familiar with mites. This guy is very, very small. Most mites exist in places with poor indoor environment. For example, if the bedspread and quilt covers are not changed for a long time, mites will appear and grow.
The mites will run to the body while we are sleeping. If they run to the ears, we will feel the ears itch and unconsciously want to take them out.


What the hell is earwax

The skin of the cartilage of the external auditory canal has cerumen glands, and its yellowish and viscous secretion is called cerumen, commonly known as earwax. Cerumen is thin when dried in air; Some cerumen is like thick grease, commonly known as "oil ear". Although earwax has a word "shit", it is a natural umbrella for ears.

☆ Earwax is rich in oil and can form an acid protective film on the surface of the external auditory canal to resist the invasion of bacteria and viruses;
☆ Earwax can also block dust particles, insects and water drops from the outside to avoid ear infection;
☆ Earwax can also filter and buffer the incoming sound waves, and protect the eardrum from being injured by strong sound.
☆ The exfoliated cells, dander, bath sewage, together with some bacteria and the like, are mixed together and slowly accumulated in the ear. After a long time, they will have a sour smell. This special smell also has the effect of insect repellent.

What about ear oil

Some people's ears secrete more oil. The earwax secreted is oily and thick. Some of it will agglomerate into a group, and some of it will flow out of the ears. Therefore, those who secrete "oily earwax" will always feel oily in their ears.
There is no need to pay special attention to the daily care of oily ears. In daily life, try not to dig your ears. If you really want to dig your ears, it should not be more than once a week. Because earwax will automatically fall off and be excluded from the body with our daily chewing, speaking and other mouth opening actions, in fact, it does not need to be cleaned actively.
If you really want to clean it, use a cotton swab to gently rotate the external ear canal, and then turn the ear downward to let the cerumen come out by itself. Try not to use sharp objects such as nails and iron swabs to pull out the ear.
