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These are the things to look out for in the hot weather


Health > Knowledges

These are the things to look out for in the hot weather

It's hot in the middle of summer, and these things must be paid attention to. Oct 02, 2024

It's hot in the middle of summer, and these things must be paid attention to.


01 Avoid not opening windows for ventilation
In summer, many people are afraid of the heat, closed windows indoor blowing air conditioning. But in fact, humidity and poor ventilation can easily lead to heatstroke. If you don't open the windows, the air quality will deteriorate and cause illness.

02 Avoid cold drinks
The occasional cold drink in summer can be a quick relief, but if you keep cold drinks in your mouth for a long time, your stomach and intestines will have to suffer.

A large number of cold drinks into the gastrointestinal tract, will interfere with the normal peristaltic movement of the gut, resulting in digestive dysfunction, resulting in functional indigestion, affecting the gastrointestinal blood supply, weakening the gastrointestinal mucosal barrier self-repair ability.


03 Do not take cold showers
After sweating in summer, the pores are open, so a cold shower can lower the body temperature, but it is easy to catch a cold at this time.

When stimulated by cold water, blood vessels constrict rapidly, which can also cause a rise in blood pressure and insufficient blood supply to the heart, especially in elderly people with high blood pressure. Taking a cold shower can also trigger respiratory diseases such as asthma and bronchitis, as well as gastrointestinal diseases.

04 Avoid low air conditioning temperatures
Many people like to sleep with the air conditioning on, but this is actually very harmful to the body. The air conditioning temperature is too low, a whole night open these actions will lead to a decline in the function of the body temperature regulation centre and body surface blood circulation is blocked, it is easy to lead to colds, headaches, nasal congestion, facial paralysis and other diseases.

Blowing the cervical vertebrae against the air conditioner, which chills the muscles in the back of the neck, can also cause persistent neck spasms, back pain, etc.


05 Avoid drinking water in a hurry when you are thirsty
Summer sweating, easy to thirst, but thirsty cups of water, but also unhealthy practice.

Drink too much water at once, water will quickly enter the blood, resulting in increased blood volume, increasing the burden on the heart, making people appear chest tightness, shortness of breath, breathing difficulties and other symptoms. Especially for people with poor heart function, hot weather, human blood vessels in a dilated state, sudden gulp of water may cause rapid vasoconstriction, resulting in insufficient blood supply to the heart and brain vessels, leading to angina and even heart failure and other diseases.

In summer, it is best to drink water in small quantities, about 200ml each time. Do not wait until you are unbearably thirsty before drinking.

What to do in case of heatstroke
Move immediately to a ventilated, cool, dry place, such as a corridor or shade. Undo your collar and remove or loosen your coat. If your clothes are soaked with sweat, change into dry clothes and turn on a fan or air conditioner (avoid direct air) to dissipate heat as quickly as possible.

Apply cold compresses to the head and underarms with a wet towel, wipe the whole body with warm water if possible, and massage the skin and muscles to speed up blood circulation and promote heat dissipation.

Take a refreshing drink containing salt, such as light salt water, iced watermelon juice, green bean soup, etc.

If the situation is serious, seek medical attention immediately and pay attention to vital signs, changes in mental status and the functional status of the organs.

Beware of "emotional heatstroke" in hot weather

Compared to physical heatstroke, which causes dizziness, nausea and confusion, "emotional heatstroke" is more insidious and less visible, but its impact on people's normal work and life should not be underestimated.

"Emotional heatstroke is caused by prolonged exposure to high temperatures or high humidity and mental or physical activity, which can easily lead to disturbances in thermoregulation and affect mental and psychological states.

Specific symptoms include irritability, loss of emotional control, poor concentration, memory loss, slow reaction time, pessimism and despair, and even anxiety and depression.

How to manage "emotional heatstroke"
If you are suffering from "emotional heat stroke", you should not leave it alone, but find ways to regulate it. You can try the following methods.


☆ Adjust your mood and maintain an optimistic and cheerful state of mind.

☆Ensure that you rest, go to bed early and get up early, sleep for the appropriate amount of time each day, and take a half-hour lunch break during the day to help relieve physical fatigue and emotional depression.

☆ Exercise in moderation, and do appropriate exercises in the early morning or in the evening when the weather is cooler. You can choose walking, swimming, yoga and other exercises to divert your emotions.

☆ Light diet, you can eat more seasonal fruits and vegetables such as bitter melon, cucumber and tomatoes after the volcano, and appropriate food such as watermelon, chrysanthemum tea and green bean soup to reduce summer heat.
