Health > Diet

Steamed Luffa with Minced Garlic


Health > Diet

Steamed Luffa with Minced Garlic

This dish is delicious and nutritious. Steaming a towel gourd in hot summer is sweet and simple. This dish is not too complicated. It is very simple to operate but very delicious. I promise. Sep 20, 2024

About the recipes

This dish is delicious and nutritious. Steaming a towel gourd in hot summer is sweet and simple. This dish is not too complicated. It is very simple to operate but very delicious. I promise.


Luffa has the effect of cooling blood, detoxifying, removing heat and promoting intestines. For women, loofah also contains vitamin B1 to prevent skin aging and vitamin C to whiten skin. Eating more can protect skin and remove spots, making skin white and tender. Research shows that garlic paste can inhibit mold and bacteria. Garlic paste has the function of preventing cancer and prolonging life for many kinds of cancer. Garlic mash can kill bacteria. It can be used together with loofah to clear heat, detoxify and kill bacteria. It is good for improving human immunity and promoting metabolism.



2   Towel gourd
appropriate amount   Garlic
appropriate amount   Chicken essence
appropriate amount   Oyster sauce
1 g salt
1 g Granulated sugar
appropriate amount   soy sauce
appropriate amount   oil
appropriate amount   red pepper
appropriate amount   chopped green onion


Cooking Steps

1、Prepare two loofah

2、Peel, cut into sections and put them on the plate.

3、Chop the garlic into minced garlic, chop the red pepper, and chop the onion into chopped scallions.

4、Start the oil pan, turn off the heat after the oil is hot, and stir fry the garlic with the oil temperature to remove the astringent and hot taste of garlic.

5、Stir the stir fried minced garlic with red pepper, salt, oyster sauce, chicken powder, sugar and oil, and mix well to form a sauce.

6、Each segment of loofah is served with garlic sauce.

7、Boil water and steam for 5 minutes

8、Sprinkle with scallions and serve!




