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How to build muscle scientifically? How many of these golden muscle building guidelines are you doing right?


Fitness > Knowledge

How to build muscle scientifically? How many of these golden muscle building guidelines are you doing right?

You need a method to build muscle and you can't just train blindly. It's not just a matter of training with heavy weights to get great muscle tone. Jul 02, 2024

You need a method to build muscle and you can't just train blindly. It's not just a matter of training with heavy weights to get great muscle tone.

How can you build muscle faster with a scientific approach? Learn these golden guidelines for muscle building, so you can spend the least amount of time and get the best results, see how many of them you get right?

Guidelines 1, multiple meals to supplement protein

The first thing you need to do is to take care of your diet. If you ignore the protein supplement, it is very difficult for the muscles to grow thicker.

During the muscle building period, we have to supplement 1.5-1.8g of protein per kg of body weight per day, if your weight is 60KG, you should supplement at least 90g of protein a day.

Different foods have different protein content, we have to choose high-protein foods and consume them multiple times over multiple time periods in order to enhance the absorption rate of food and replenish adequate amount of protein.

Guideline 2, focus on leg training

Fitness muscle gain to focus on leg muscle group training, thighs is the body's largest muscle group, if you only exercise the upper body, and ignore the lower body training, it is easy to appear head heavy, uneven body development, you are also prone to fitness bottleneck, strength can not break through.

Regular leg training can improve your explosive strength and lower body stability, allowing you to break through your strength levels and lift more weight when training with compound movements, thus breaking through the bottleneck and reaping the benefits of a better body line.

You can choose to train your legs with deep squats, lunge squats, apparatus leg clamps, supine leg curls and other movements. 1-2 times a week, you can improve your muscle building and fat burning effect.

Guideline 3, reasonable allocation of rest time

The body can be divided into major muscle groups, back muscles, thighs, pectoral muscles, glutes belong to large muscle groups, while shoulders, arms, abdominal muscles, calves belong to small muscle groups.

When we train, we have to divide the training between the major muscle groups, not just one group. Muscle growth and repair comes after training, and we need to allow enough rest time for our muscles in order to improve our muscle building efficiency.

Large muscle groups need to rest for 72 hours after training, while small muscle groups need to rest for 48 hours to start the second round of training, so, do you have enough muscle rest time?

Guideline 4. Don't ignore cardio

During muscle building, don't just focus on strength training, but you need to supplement cardio. Aerobic exercise can help you improve your cardio, physical endurance and also inhibit the accumulation of fat, so that you gain muscle without gaining fat.

In order to avoid muscle loss due to excessive aerobic exercise, we can control the duration of aerobic exercise at around 30 minutes, and we can also choose medium to high intensity exercises, such as HIIT interval training, rope skipping, etc. This can avoid muscle loss and maintain the body's vigorous basal metabolic value to achieve the effect of fat burning and shaping.
