These recognised fitness tips will help you improve your fitness efficiency
If you want to harvest a good body through fitness workouts, we need to master the right training techniques instead of blindly practicing. The most important thing is to keep away from fitness misconceptions and choose the right workout for you in order to improve the efficiency of muscle gain and fat loss. These recognized fitness tips can enhance the efficiency of fitness, faster to train a good body! -
Don't just focus on aerobic exercise, try anaerobic training
Aerobic exercise is most known is undoubtedly running and swimming, the weather has turned warm, many morning running, night running people, are considering whether to switch to swimming, one can protect the knees, the second can avoid running heat stroke, the third is to change the movement, so that when they exercise, more interesting. -
Treadmill PK elliptical machine, which is more fat burning?
In our fat burning exercise, whether to choose the treadmill or elliptical machine? -
Classic Bayonetta style B for better shaping!
Yoga Bhajana B consists of 19 poses. Each pose is synchronized with a specific breathing pattern. Bhajana B is more challenging than A. The benefits are similar to traditional bhajans, but with better fat loss and shaping effects. -
A sexy workout is a sexy workout, Korean beauty takes you to the gym to get a sexy body
I believe that many female friends like to participate in fitness exercise, fitness exercise for women's health, appearance and other aspects have a good change and help. Nowadays many women like to have a sexy body as long as you maintain a certain frequency of fitness, you can definitely have a sexy body, just like our Korean beauty Jung Ahreum! -
Fitness Equipment | How to choose a suitable for their own yoga mat?
Fitness is important, but the equipment must be chosen well, choose together to fit your yoga mat it -
Yoga sitting angle pose so practice, open the range more than a little
Seated angle pose Upavistha konasana is a basic seated forward bending asana. As its name suggests, it is practiced seated, with legs spread wide, and then the body leans forward. In Ashtanga, it is practiced in the primary series. It is a strong stretching position that increases flexibility in the hamstrings and adductors. It also opens the hips nicely. -
How to tailor a fitness programme that suits you?
We know that it's not just cardio that you need to do when working out, but also strengthening strength training. -
How to ensure balance when practising yoga
When you think of yoga, the first thing that comes to mind is 'softness' and the second is 'balance', asanas that are balanced will make you feel 'graceful and stable'. But the truth is, when practising yoga, you're lucky if you don't fall over and hit someone, let alone be graceful. -
A few wrong fitness behaviours, how many of them have you fallen into
A good body is made by training, not by losing weight. The muscular body of men and the S-shaped curves of women need to be sculpted by fitness exercises. However, fitness requires methods and skills, blind exercise is not able to harvest the ideal body.