A jump box is a platform used for explosive power-enhancing training, such as height jumps or straddle jumps. Commercial versions are available in different heights and can be used depending on the level of ability. Jump boxes are also usually made of plywood or made of thick leather pads for different scenarios. Because it is low cost, easy to make and versatile. In most cases, the jump box is used to exercise lower body strength, explosive power and coordination, but the actual training uses more than this, we will introduce several jump box training for beginners.
Training function:
Strengthening the legs
Training method:
Walk to the front of a jumping box. Stand on the box with one leg, then lift the other leg up and straighten both legs at the same time. Step back, switch to the other side and repeat, repeat.
You can add weights to this exercise to increase the challenge - sandbags, kettlebells or dumbbells are all good choices.
Side step across
Training Function:
Increase coordination, leg strength
Training method:
Stand on one side of a jump box, or next to another high platform, such as a bench. One foot on the box, and then lift the other foot, so that you stand on top of the box. Stand firmly on one leg, then switch to the other leg. Continue to repeat in the other direction, accelerating as you feel smoother with the movement.
Again, if you want to make it more difficult, you can increase the weight. Or try jumping a little faster!
Bobby step-over jump
Training Features:
Core control, leg strength
Training method:
Stand on the side of a box, or next to another high platform, such as a bench. Do a bobby move, then jump on the box, so that you are standing on top of the box. Drop down from the other side and immediately do another bobby. Continue in the other direction and accelerate so you can continue as fast as you can.
Elevated push-ups
Training function:
Arm, chest and core strength
Training method :
Start in a plank support position with your feet on a box, or on high, and your hands on the floor in front of you. Push down so your chest is close to the floor, then push up and repeat the movement.
Elevated knee contact
Training function:
Arm and core strength
Training method:
Start in a plank position with your feet on a box, or on an elevated position, and your hands on the floor in front of you. Tighten your core muscles, then extend one knee in the direction of the elbow. Put your leg back in the starting position, then repeat the movement on the other side.
Box jumps
Training function.
Leg strength
Training method:
Stand in front of a box. Jump on the box and land on both feet. Jump down from the box, then immediately jump up again.
Bobby jumping box
Training function:
Conditioning, leg, arm and core strength
Training method:
Stand in front of a box with your hands on the floor in front of you, forming a squat position. Kick your feet back behind you and land on your lower body. Tuck your feet back into the squat position as quickly as possible, then immediately stand up and jump on the box. Jump down and repeat.
Bulgarian Split Squat
Training function:
Leg strength
Training method:
Stand with your legs apart and your legs elevated on the surface of a box or bench. Keep your front feet flat on the ground, then lower your body until your knees are near the ground, then lower your back and repeat the movement. Be sure to switch sides.
There are many more advanced training for box jumping, and as the difficulty increases, it is best to do it under the guidance of a dedicated coach.
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