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The right way to open the yoga handstand! Start with these 10 moves


Fitness > Tutorials

The right way to open the yoga handstand! Start with these 10 moves

Handstand is a yoga asana that many young people like, and it is also one of the coolest moves to be photographed on the net. Mar 02, 2025

Handstand is a yoga asana that many young people like, and it is also one of the coolest moves to be photographed on the net.

The long-term practice of handstand can bring obvious benefits to the body, not only to improve blood circulation, prevent visceral sagging and slow down aging, but also to release vertebral pressure and improve muscle strain.So today we share with you 10 yoga moves to help strengthen the abdominal core and shoulder and back strength, follow this sequence of exercises can gradually unlock the handstand, come and try it!


Action 1 

Kneel on both knees, hands on the ground into four feet kneeling

Thighs perpendicular to the ground, wrists aligned with the shoulders

Inhale, back extension, exhale, close the core

Knees off the ground, calves parallel to the ground

Inhale, restore, dynamic exercise 10-15 times

Action 2

Maintain the preparatory position in the previous movement

Exhale, tighten the core, knees off the ground

Keep the body stable, alternate arms straight forward

Alternate left and right for once, dynamic exercises 10-15 times

Action 3

Continue to maintain the position of the previous movement

Bend your elbows and touch your palms to the opposite shoulder

Keep the core tight and the body stable

Alternate left and right for one time, dynamic exercise 10-15 times

Action 4

Maintain the position of the previous movement, knees off the ground

Exhale, tighten the core, and drop the hands to the ground in turn

Enter the inclined plank position, inhale, restore the cat knee lift

Tighten the core, practice 10-15 times dynamically

Action 5

Enter inclined plank, activate core strength

Exhale, bend elbows, palms and small arms on the ground

Enter the elbow plate support, scapular stability

Inhale to restore the inclined board, dynamic exercises 10-15 times

Action 6

Enter the inclined plank, keep the core tightened

Exhale, bend the right knee and twist forward to the left side

Left hand off the ground touching the right knee

Alternate left and right exercises, dynamic 10-15 times

Action 7

Incline plank entry, feet wider than shoulder width apart

Exhale, weight backward, sit bones up

Enter downward dog pose, right hand touches left ankle

Inhale, restore the inclined plank, alternate between left and right exercises

Core activation, dynamic exercise 10-15 times

Action 8

Enter on all fours, lift both knees off the ground

Exhale, weight backward into downward dog

Push back the front side of the thighs and step down with the heels

Inhale and restore the cat knee lift, dynamic exercise 10-15 times

Action 9

Start in incline plank, back and shoulders stabilized and controlled

Exhale, put the weight on the right hand, twist the body to the right

Enter the side plank, left hand upward extension

Alternate between left and right, 10-15 times of dynamic exercises

Action 10

Palms on the ground, hands slightly wider than shoulder width apart

Bend your hips and knees, step on the ground with your toes, sit with your hips towards your heels

Exhale, push your core and push your hips upward

Jump up on your toes, 10-15 times dynamically

