Fitness > Knowledge

6 sets of training moves to slim your belly and train your waistline


Fitness > Knowledge

6 sets of training moves to slim your belly and train your waistline

We all know that getting old is not something we can control ourselves, but getting fat is possible. A person just needs to be strict with himself and keep enough self-discipline, then his body weight will be controlled and he can keep himself from getting fat and keeping a good figure! Feb 21, 2025

We all know that getting old is not something we can control ourselves, but getting fat is possible. A person just needs to be strict with himself and keep enough self-discipline, then his body weight will be controlled and he can keep himself from getting fat and keeping a good figure!

To introduce you to the concept of a waistline: a waistline is an abdomen without flab. The abdomen is mainly made up of the abdominal muscles and the external obliques, and a line will form between them, and when the fat in the abdomen is low enough, we can see a clear line of muscle. It is called the waistline because it looks like a waistcoat. When our fat is controlled at 21% to 23%, we can see the first signs of a waistline, and when the fat is controlled at 18% to 20%, we can clearly see the waistline in the abdomen.

So how should we exercise our waistline? Here I will introduce you to 6 groups of training movements for the abdomen, learn them so that your abdomen becomes thin to train the waistline!

Set 1

Training points: the feet straight up, then hands straight towards the front, as far as possible to touch their calves, so that the abdomen feel the sense of stretch training.

Exercise sets: 4 sets, 10~12 times each.

Set 2

Training points: Start with your hands straight on the ground and then alternate between bending and stretching your feet in front of you so that your abdomen can feel the stretch.

Number of sets: 4 sets of 10-12 reps each.

Set 3

Training points: We need to lie down on the floor, then place our hands on either side of our head, bend our knees and lift our feet, then stagger our hands and feet so that the knees and elbows of our arms touch.

Number of sets: 4 sets of 10-12 reps each.

Set 4

Training points: Lift one side of your foot, then place your hands on either side of your head and allow your body to bend and stretch towards the side of the raised foot, allowing the side abdominals to be trained.

Number of sets: 4 sets of 10-12 reps each.

Set 5

Training points: This movement is called the plank. The trainer supports the forearms and toes on the ground, keeping the back and legs in a straight line, without letting the hips sag or lifting them deliberately.

Exercise sets: 3 sets of 12-15 seconds each.

Set 6

Training points: Lie down, then bend your knees and lift your feet, then rise up with your arms straight out in front of you, keeping your body stable.

Exercise sets: 3 sets of 10-15 seconds each.
