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Let's try a set of advanced glute bridge strides


Fitness > Knowledge

Let's try a set of advanced glute bridge strides

Once the basic glute bridges have been standardised and mastered, we can then add other movements to increase the difficulty and intensity of the training, to achieve a more intense and focused workout for the glutes, and to activate and shape the glute muscles quickly. One of the simpler and more effective movements that does not require additional equipment is the glute bridge straddle. Feb 20, 2025

Once the basic glute bridges have been standardised and mastered, we can then add other movements to increase the difficulty and intensity of the training, to achieve a more intense and focused workout for the glutes, and to activate and shape the glute muscles quickly. One of the simpler and more effective movements that does not require additional equipment is the glute bridge straddle.

The glute bridge straddle is a simple addition to a standard glute bridge movement to add variety and intensity to the glute bridge. To perform a hip bridge straddle, the body remains in the arched bridge position and the left and right legs are alternately lifted high (with the calves slightly flexed) until the thighs are perpendicular to the upper body. Pause for a few seconds, then hold evenly back down and return to the standard hip bridge position.

If you still want to make it more difficult, you can add walking to the straddle, alternating between left and right legs to step forward at an even pace before retracting.

In the hip bridge stride, keep your hips clenched and firing at all times. As there are no other power points during the stride, the gluteal muscles are firing at a much greater intensity than in a standard glute bridge. Therefore the gluteus muscles will feel more intense and sore (of course if you like the feeling, it will feel very good). It is a great exercise for many people who have loose and weak glutes in their daily walking, who don't know how to use their glutes to generate force, and who don't perceive the strength of their glutes.

At the same time, the hip bridge straddle, with more hip power, accelerates blood flow to the lower body. Poor blood flow in sedentary people can bring about a range of health problems (e.g. cold lower limbs, cold hips, etc.) and body image problems (e.g. flat or collapsed hips). Of course, the power of the hips can also drive the movement of the hips and improve the flexibility of the hips, which can effectively improve the problem of fake wide hips. A boon for sedentary people!


When crossing the hip bridge, pay attention to the basic level of the height of the left and right leg lifts and the uniformity of the speed of the leg lifts, and consciously perceive and adjust them during the exercise. This will help to correct the problems of skewed hips and uneven power between the left and right hips caused by crossing the legs.

During the hip bridge straddle, the control of the abdominal muscles will become more difficult because of the increased intensity and the shortness of breath. Therefore, during the exercise, it is important to pay attention to the smoothness of the body, the stability of the core and not to let the body sway too much. At the same time, pay attention to adjusting the rhythm of your breathing to match the rhythm of the stride and always keep your abdomen tight so that you can also achieve the effect of exercising your abdomen.

The glute bridge straddle is a very intense exercise for the buttocks, so remember to use a foam roller, fascia ball or fascia gun to relax afterwards, or you can use hip stretches to relax the buttocks muscles for a better hip line!

When you learn the glute bridge straddle and feel the power of your glutes, even when you sleep you can feel the glute muscles pulsating, that's the gluteus growing!

Once you feel the power of your glutes, you can try to use your glutes to drive your legs in your daily walking routine. You can also exercise your gluteus muscles by clenching your hips when you stand. In this way, everyday walking and standing becomes a workout. You'll get a better butt faster!
