Health > Knowledges

If you often have insomnia, you can try this


Health > Knowledges

If you often have insomnia, you can try this

Today, Bailu, the most comfortable solar term, is coming. Bailu is the third solar term in autumn, marking the end of mengqiu and the beginning of mid autumn. White Dew is the solar term with the largest temperature difference between day and night, which basically ends the sultry summer weather and is the turning point of autumn from sultry to cool. At this time, the festival night is cold, so pay attention to adding clothes. Jun 03, 2024

Today, Bailu, the most comfortable solar term, is coming. Bailu is the third solar term in autumn, marking the end of mengqiu and the beginning of mid autumn. White Dew is the solar term with the largest temperature difference between day and night, which basically ends the sultry summer weather and is the turning point of autumn from sultry to cool. At this time, the festival night is cold, so pay attention to adding clothes.

Do you sleep well every night?
In one's life, one-third of the time is spent in sleep. Sleeping is such an important thing, but sleeping until dawn is simply an extravagant hope for many people. I toss and turn at night and feel dizzy during the day... Insomnia not only affects my work and life, but also may damage my health.

Are you really sleepless

In life, many people think they have insomnia because they sleep less, have difficulty sleeping or wake up early. In fact, insomnia is a subjective experience, and we can't judge whether we have insomnia by the amount of sleep time alone.

If you want to know whether you have insomnia, you need to see whether it affects your work and life during the day and whether you have other health problems. Some people sleep for a short time, but it does not affect their subjective sleep quality and their work and life the next day. This is not insomnia.

Insomnia is mainly manifested as follows:
△ difficulty in falling asleep: falling asleep for more than 30 minutes;
△ persistent sleep disorder: the number of awakenings throughout the night is ≥ 2;
△ wake up early;
△ decreased sleep quality and total sleep time, usually less than 6.5 hours;
△ accompanied by daytime dysfunction: mainly including fatigue, irritability or agitation, inattention or memory impairment, physical discomfort, cognitive impairment, etc.

Poor sleep, body organs are also affected

1. Liver: When lying down and resting, the blood flow into the liver is more than when standing, which is conducive to enhancing the function of liver cells and improving the detoxification ability of the liver. If the liver is not rested and the liver blood is insufficient, the damaged cells are difficult to repair and aggravate the deterioration. Over time, the skin will be rough and easily fatigued.

2. Brain: During sleep, the brain organizes the information of the day and cleans up the metabolic waste generated by the information. Poor sleep keeps the brain from resting and increases the risk of Alzheimer's.

3. Heart: After a person falls asleep, the heart rate is about 10-30 beats/min lower than when awake, and the heart can relax a little. Adults who slept less than six hours or more than eight hours a night were at greater risk of developing heart problems.

4. Kidneys: Lack of sleep will not only damage the liver, but also the kidneys. Kidney is an important source of yang qi in the human body, and it has the function of storing essence and consolidating Yuan.


Three moves of sleep
☆ double leg back stretching: when practicing at home, sit flat on the bed, stretch your legs together, put a quilt on your legs, lie on the quilt with your upper body forward, and hook your toes back. If you feel relaxed, lower the quilt so that you can stretch, relieve fatigue and eliminate mental tension.
☆ half bridge type: place the quilt under your waist and hips, bend your legs, step on the ground with your feet, and support the ground with your shoulders for 3 to 5 minutes. This can promote the blood circulation in the abdomen, gently massage to the internal organs, and make the body comfortable and relaxed from inside to outside. The body is comfortable and the mood is relaxed, which is the key to good sleep.
☆ inverted arrow pose: lie flat on the bed, put your legs together on the wall, and spread your hands on both sides of your body for 5 to 10 minutes. This posture can lead Qi and blood to the head to nourish brain cells, thereby improving brain blood supply and eliminating brain fatigue.


Sleep in bed tips
Cultivate the habit of "falling asleep at the sight of a bed": if you want to lie in bed and fall asleep, you must first establish the "conditioned reflex" between bed and sleep, so that you will feel sleepy at the sight of a bed.
Don't do anything unrelated to sleep in bed, such as watching mobile phones, TV, reading books, etc.
Don't go to bed when you're not sleepy. When you feel sleepy, go to bed immediately. If you still can't sleep after lying down for 20 minutes, get up and do some relaxing things, such as meditation, and then lie back in bed when you are sleepy. Through repeated training, you will feel sleepy when you see the bed.
Increase sleep motivation: sleep motivation, also known as sleep pressure, the longer you stay awake, the greater your sleep motivation, and the easier it is to fall asleep.
Insomniacs can try not to catch up on their sleep or take a nap during the day, no matter how good their sleep is at night. Exercise for 1 hour every day, such as fast walking, jogging, swimming, etc., can also increase sleep motivation.
A good sleep is better than most health care products. These little methods can be used by everyone as a habit before going to bed. I wish everyone a good sleep.
