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During weight loss, is it better to choose aerobic exercise or strength training?


Fitness > Knowledge

During weight loss, is it better to choose aerobic exercise or strength training?

With the improvement of living standards, our happiness in life is also greatly enhanced. The rise in living standards means that we eat better and need less time for labor. Jun 22, 2024

With the improvement of living standards, our happiness in life is also greatly enhanced. The rise in living standards means that we eat better and need less time for labor.

Obesity not only leads to an unsightly figure, the emergence of psychological low self-esteem, but also directly leads to the emergence of physical health problems, so weight loss is also now the people have to face.

Weight loss is not difficult, it is not easy, especially when more ways to lose weight, more people will gradually become "confused" about the weight loss program, in the end, during the weight loss is to choose diet it or exercise, fitness is to choose anaerobic exercise or aerobic exercise it?

In fact, aerobic exercise and strength training have their own benefits, as well as different training methods to present the weight loss effect is not the same. Let's look at the experience of people who have lost weight, you will know that during the weight loss, what kind of exercise is more worthy of our adherence.

First, the difference between aerobic exercise and strength training

Aerobic exercise is fat-burning exercise, can burn calories in the process of exercise, decomposition of fat, the body will slowly slim down. And strength training in the process of training will improve muscle content, promote the body's metabolic ability to improve, consume a lot of calories, so that the body becomes tight and firm.

The main reason for preferring aerobic exercise at the beginning of weight loss is that when there is more fat on the body, aerobic exercise can help the body burn calories to break down fat and reduce body fat rate, while obviously strength training focuses more on muscle building, fat burning effect is not as good as aerobic exercise.


Second, the order of priority

Long-term aerobic exercise will consume part of the body's muscle, the body's metabolic capacity will decline, the weight loss effect will become less obvious. And this time the addition of strength training, but can make the effect of weight loss to show a significant effect.

Because strength training is mainly to improve the muscle content, thus improving the body's metabolic capacity, not only to accelerate the pace of weight loss, but also to make your body become tight and firm after slimming down. Therefore, the weight loss period first adhere to do aerobic exercise, and then join the strength training weight loss shaping effect is more obvious.

Third, aerobic exercise + strength training

The combination of these two forms of exercise, the effect and efficiency of weight loss is much better than choosing one of the exercises. During weight loss, aerobic exercise and strength training can be paired together, for example: in the early stages of weight loss, do 20 minutes of strength training before doing a long period of aerobic exercise, which can promote muscle participation in the exercise and improve fat-burning heart rate in advance, allowing you to lose weight more efficiently.

And weight loss later when the body's body fat rate declined, then the two types of exercise to change, to strength training as the main, and aerobic exercise as a supplement.

Because the late stage of weight loss body slowly slim down, and strength training in improving the body's metabolism, and the effect of shaping the body, for example: most people pursue the abs, vest line and so on body curve. And aerobic exercise is to play another role, to improve cardiorespiratory function as well as the role of muscle relaxation.

Fourth, personal choice

For want to adhere to do which exercise to achieve fat burning weight loss effect, in fact, also depends on personal choice, because only the way they like to carry out, for the possibility of success will be greater, if forced to carry out their own do not like the exercise, then most of the weight loss will not be successful.

To sum up, during the weight loss period in the end choose aerobic exercise or strength training is good? The first point is to look at personal choice, the second point is to combine.

Adhere to the exercise time of 1-2 hours a day, a variety of sports with can avoid the body into the comfort zone, but also conducive to the speed and efficiency of weight loss.
