Fitness > Knowledge

When doing bench press, learn to use the halfway action, so that the pectoral muscles get better growth


Fitness > Knowledge

When doing bench press, learn to use the halfway action, so that the pectoral muscles get better growth

In our chest muscle strengthening training, although there are many training movements, but, in my concept, the barbell bench press this training action, should be the vast majority of us, will be in the chest training to do a movement, because we have to know is that the barbell bench press this action to bring us the effect of chest training, is very good, can bring good stimulation to our pectoral muscles, thus Can make their pectoral muscles to get better growth. Mar 04, 2025

In our chest muscle strengthening training, although there are many training movements, but, in my concept, the barbell bench press this training action, should be the vast majority of us, will be in the chest training to do a movement, because we have to know is that the barbell bench press this action to bring us the effect of chest training, is very good, can bring good stimulation to our pectoral muscles, thus Can make their pectoral muscles to get better growth.

And for the barbell bench press this training movement, I would like to say that we have a lot of people in the barbell bench press, should be or will only go with the whole to do the action, that is, the barbell from their chest, push to let their elbow joints straight. If we can do the bench press, the appropriate to add some half-way bench press, then, to a certain extent, to help us have better chest training effect, thus helping our pectoral muscles, to get better growth.

So next, from 2 aspects, to introduce you to do the bench press when we do the half-range action, I hope to go to effectively help you, better pectoral muscle strengthening training.

One, how to do the halfway action

First of all, we have to know is that we do barbell bench press half-range action, the action range should be like this, that is, let the barbell from our elbows straight state, and then let the barbell down to about ten centimeters from our chest, and then push the barbell up, is a bench press half-range action.

In other words, when we do the half-range action, its action range is to be smaller than the whole action, preferably half of the whole action, and preferably the first half is better.

Second, the effect of half-range action

Half-range movements can bring us such 2 better training effects, one is to more fully strengthen their chest muscles, and the second is to enhance their chest muscle strength.

If we want to intern the first training effect, that is, more fully to strengthen the chest muscles, then we better do the barbell bench press, in the course of a set of movements, first about eight full range of action, when we are almost exhausted, and then about five half range of action.

And if we want to achieve the second training effect, then it is best to bench press training, at the beginning of the use of half-range action, with the difference is that in such training, we need to take a larger training weight, generally in 2RM or 1RM is better, let us go to do about three half-range action can be.
