Anecdote > Odd

The most beautiful praying mantis in the world: The orchid mantis


Anecdote > Odd

The most beautiful praying mantis in the world: The orchid mantis

The world's most beautiful praying mantis is the orchid mantis, which comes from the tropical rainforests of Southeast Asia and has a camouflage that can change its color. And in order to achieve a better camouflage effect, their limbs gradually turn into the appearance of flower petals. Orchid mantis not only looks good, but also very smart. Jun 08, 2024

The most beautiful praying mantis in the world: the orchid mantis

This orchid mantis has a pink and light flower color, which seems to be an orchid flower. It is also the reason why they are called the orchid mantis. Many people must marvel at the beauty of the orchid mantis at the first sight of it, which looks like a pink and elegant orchid with four walking legs like flower petals. Most orchid mantids are white, but there is also a pink to purple variation, and the body color is not set in stone. Only female orchid mantids have bright colors, and most male mantids are green.

The orchid mantle changes color as it grows, from blood red to pink to white, and is at its most beautiful stage at age 3 or 4. The newborn larvae show a special combination of red and black, and only after the first molt will they change to the orchid body color of white and pink. After the adult orchid mantis, the pink color will disappear and brown color spots will appear, and the body color will change from creamy white to light yellow.

Orchid mantis not only looks beautiful, but also very intelligent. From birth with predatory instincts, as long as the live insects, such as flies, spiders, bees, butterflies, moths and so on they will hunt. When preying, the orchid mantis transforms its entire body into a camouflage that is both aesthetically pleasing and deceptive.

They perfectly mimic the form of an orchid, while combining sharp vision and ninja-like strike speed, thus becoming the world's deadliest ambush hunter. Those who are fortunate enough to encounter an orchid mantis and see this graceful spirit for themselves must be happy.

Because the orchid mantis is so beautiful, there are even people who will buy it at great cost. Every time an orchid mantis is found, the news always spreads and ends up being caught, because the orchid mantis has a huge market and brings high economic benefits. Many museums in China will purchase specimens, and netizens are also keen to raise and sell orchid mantises.

However, the orchid mantis is already very rare, and if it is not properly protected, it may only be possible to see pictures of orchid mantis in the future. In today's deteriorating ecology, people should not only focus on the immediate benefits, but should focus on the longer term development.

