Anecdote > Odd

The world's largest bomber, more than B2 to fly more than 5,000 km, any country would not dare to shoot down


Anecdote > Odd

The world's largest bomber, more than B2 to fly more than 5,000 km, any country would not dare to shoot down

Tu-95MS is also the largest bomber in the world, weighing 190 tons. This bomber world is large, the maximum bomb load can reach 25,000 kg, is the ordinary bomber twice or even several times. If engaged in war, the Tu-95MS is undoubtedly the "Hulk" general existence, let people fear. Jul 18, 2024

The strategic bomber has always been the ace of air combat, and its overall performance is evaluated by several criteria, including flight speed, bomb load, and maximum range. The maximum range is the maximum distance a bomber can fly before running out of fuel, and it is the indicator of the bomber's endurance, which directly determines the bomber's ability to sustain operations. At present, the world's largest bomber Tu-95MS has a maximum range of 15,000 km, and its bomb load is also very impressive, with such powerful performance, Tu-95MS if really engaged in war, any country would not dare to easily shoot it down.


The Tu-95MS is the predecessor of the Tu-95, a Soviet-era strategic bomber that is still in service with the Russian military. With Russia's powerful engine technology, Tu-95MS has four turboprop engines, the power is very powerful and fuel consumption is small, but also supports aerial refueling technology, once set a record for the longest flight time of the bomber, the maximum flight distance is 15,000 kilometers, more than the U.S. b2 bombers on more than 5,000 kilometers, its powerful range is shocking.


In addition to this, the Tu-95MS is the largest bomber in the world, weighing 190 tons. This bomber world is big, the maximum bomb load can reach 25,000 kg, which is twice or even several times more than ordinary bombers. If engaged in war, Tu-95MS is undoubtedly a "Hulk" general existence, let people fear. Even if it can take advantage of its lack of dexterity to shoot it down, you need to consider whether it can afford the consequences of its fall, after all, the huge number of missiles loaded on board if the pilot detonated with the crash of the fuselage, will cause incalculable losses.


In fact, the Tu-95MS strategic bomber can not only be used for strike operations, but its powerful range also allows it to perform well in reconnaissance, patrol and communication missions, and is much more powerful than we can imagine. According to the Russian side, the Tu-95MS is expected to remain in military service until 2040, when it will be replaced by the more powerful PAK-DA stealth strategic bomber.


