Anecdote > Odd

The world's laziest fish: "travel" by adsorption everywhere


Anecdote > Odd

The world's laziest fish: "travel" by adsorption everywhere

There are countless species of creatures in the ocean that have their own way of surviving, such as sharks known for their ferocity, almost the dominant force in the marine world, and such as the leafy sea dragon that is good at hiding from its natural enemies, etc. Do you know what the world's laziest fish is called? The first thing that comes to mind for many people is the sucker fish, also called remora. This fish looks strange at first glance, with a flattened "shoe print" on its body, and it's hard to tell if the "shoe print" is on its back or stomach. In fact, the "shoe print" is its sucker, which grows on the fish's back, as if the fish had been stepped on. Sep 02, 2024

What is the world's laziest fish called

The sucker fish mainly lives in tropical and temperate oceans, and it is also found in many countries. The Indian fish is slender and darker in color. The reason why the Indian fish is the laziest fish is because it, as one of the fish, not only does not show its nature to swim, but relies on larger fish to move around.


How sucker fish are lazy

Sucker fish's biggest hobby is to use suction cups to adsorb on other things, "travel" everywhere, adsorption objects, including sharks, whales, fish and other large sea creatures, but also ships, so that no matter where the big fish and ships to, they can not waste energy to follow where, because this lazy behavior but let They visited a lot of underwater scenery, even if the big fish found there is no way, after all, the big fish no human hands to stop, they can only helplessly let the sucker fish "on" them, and the big fish will not care about the behavior of such a small fish, as long as they are not hurt them, they are also lazy.


Why do sucker fish like to be lazy

Sucker fish so like to be lazy completely because they are too lazy to swim, plus in order to save more time and effort to find food, as long as they wait until the food-rich areas, they will take the initiative to disengage down, and after they have eaten and will be relying on other reminders of the huge creatures, so that it does not take time and effort to use the behavior of the quite skilled.


What is the principle of suction cup of sucker fish

The sucker fish's suction cups rely on the pressure inside the air and water to be able to firmly attach to other creatures. At the beginning, the sucker fish does not have a sucker, its sucker is the original dorsal fin in the long term evolution into a sucker that can adsorb other creatures to survive, the sucker fish sucker itself will already have water, when the sucker fish want to be lazy as long as the sucker gently squeeze out the water inside, using the pressure of air and water can be very easy and solid adsorption on the surface of living things.
