Health > Knowledges

How to spend the menopause safely


Health > Knowledges

How to spend the menopause safely

Menopause refers to the transitional period between the decline of female ovarian function from a vigorous state to a completely disappeared state, which generally occurs between the ages of 45 and 55. Before and after menopause, women will have symptoms related to menopause, such as sweating, irritability, hot flushes, insomnia, amnesia, mental fatigue, dizziness, tinnitus, palpitations, backache, hand and foot heart heat, menstrual disorder, etc., namely menopause syndrome. Dec 01, 2024

Menopause refers to the transitional period between the decline of female ovarian function from a vigorous state to a completely disappeared state, which generally occurs between the ages of 45 and 55. Before and after menopause, women will have symptoms related to menopause, such as sweating, irritability, hot flushes, insomnia, amnesia, mental fatigue, dizziness, tinnitus, palpitations, backache, hand and foot heart heat, menstrual disorder, etc., namely menopause syndrome.

Climacteric performance

Recent performance:
1. Menstrual disorder: irregular menstruation, long duration of menstruation, increase or decrease of menstruation.

2. Vascular relaxation and contraction: The most common is hot flushes, which repeatedly cause transient redness of the face, neck and chest skin, accompanied by heat and sweating, lasting for several minutes. The frequency of attacks varies.

3. Autonomic disorders: insomnia, palpitation, dizziness, headache, tinnitus.

4. Neuropsychiatric symptoms: excitement, irritability, anxiety, depression, self-control, memory loss, and inattention.

Long term performance:
The genitourinary tract and vagina are dry and astringent, sexual intercourse difficulty, recurrent vaginitis, dysuria, frequency of urination, dysuria, senile dementia, osteoporosis, arteriosclerosis, coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, etc.

How to spend the menopause safely

☆ Relax, keep a peaceful mind, and correctly face the changes of body decline before and after menopause.

☆ Have a balanced diet, eat more foods containing vitamins, high protein and calcium, and reduce the intake of sugar, salt and animal fat.

☆ Strengthen physical exercise and take more outdoor sports.

☆ If the symptoms of menopause are serious, it is necessary to go to the hospital in time and cooperate with the doctor to successfully pass the menopause.

☆ Pay attention to menstrual changes. Pay enough attention to premenopausal menstrual disorders and postmenopausal vaginal bleeding to avoid generative diseases; The incidence rate of female climacteric tumors is increasing. It is recommended that menopausal women should have a gynecological examination every year to determine whether there are vaginal and cervical problems, and whether there are infections in the genital tract and pelvic cavity.
