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What happened to the "teenager with white hair"?


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What happened to the "teenager with white hair"?

In real life, we often see children who are still in high school or even junior high school with black hair that should come as standard, but instead become black and white. Feb 09, 2025

In real life, we often see children who are still in high school or even junior high school with black hair that should come as standard, but instead become black and white.
Is it really because they are over-exerting themselves in their studies that they have grey hair at an early age?


Teenage grey hair is a disease

Teenage grey hair is more common among secondary school students and is more common in males than females.
The reason for this is complex and there is no universally accepted diagnostic standard, but there are scholars who classify teenage grey hair into 3 degrees: 1 degree for less than 10 grey hairs, 2 degrees for 11-100 grey hairs and 3 degrees for more than 100 grey hairs.
Normally, people start to lose their pigment cells after the age of 35. If your hair goes grey in your twenties or earlier, this is known as teenage grey hair.


What causes grey hair in teenagers?

1. Lack of exercise.
The cause of many symptoms can be attributed to a lack of exercise. A reduction in exercise can lead to poor circulation and a lack of effective blood supply to all parts of the scalp, which can affect the functioning of melanocytes and lead to grey hair.

2. High levels of mental stress, lack of sleep.
Nowadays, young people are under pressure from school and employment, mental overload, anxiety of psychological state, staying up late without sleep, leading to neuroendocrine dysfunction, which becomes one of the triggers of black hair turning white.


3. Irrational dietary habits.
This can lead to an imbalance in nutritional intake, which in turn leads to insufficient nutrients for melanocytes to work and produce melanin to supply the hair, so it is prone to grey hair.

4. Internal diseases.
Such as chronic wasting diseases, endocrine metabolic diseases, which cause endocrine disorders in the body and trigger grey hair.

5. Genetic factors.
Studies have shown that there is an absolute relationship between grey hair and heredity. The hereditary factor cannot be changed, but can only rely on acquired improvements to reduce the production of grey hair.


How to prevent grey hair

1. Develop a nutritionally balanced diet.
Inadequate daily intake of copper can also lead to the production of grey hair. The normal daily requirement of copper is 2 mg, while our average daily intake is only about 0.8 mg. This can be achieved by consuming more copper-rich foods such as animal liver, shellfish, mushrooms, nuts, apricots and oats.


2. Relax your mind and relieve mental tension.
When stressed, you should know how to relieve stress, you can achieve natural emotional peace by telling others or diverting your attention such as: listening to songs and watching movies.

3. Adopt a good routine and strengthen physical exercise.
Regular life and rest, reduce the number of late nights, and try to do active exercise every day to achieve physical exercise, even if it is a few thousand steps is also a great help to the hair.


In short, there are many reasons for grey hair, but as long as you pay attention to the kidneys and liver on a daily basis, and try to be calm and emotionally well, you will be able to reduce the production of grey hair.
Of course, as we grow older, the production of gray hair is natural, no need to worry too much, peace of mind is the most important.
