Utthita Tadasana, one of the easiest yoga asanas, is a standing asana, a variation of Mountain Pose. It is an active pose and is also used as a transition pose to various standing poses (such as Goddess Pose, Warrior II, Triangle Pose and other poses). It is commonly found in Iyengar Yoga.
Mountain Pose (Utthita) is a starting pose as well as a basic pose. This variation is extremely suitable for beginners. It is also often integrated into the flow yoga sequence. This basic standing pose energizes, stretches and opens the entire body, making it feel strong.
The practice begins with the arms extended out to the sides, then the legs extended. Keeping the palms down and the arms parallel to the floor, the open pose will bring you happiness and joy.
Utthita Tadasana is a Sanskrit word. Utthita" means "extension", "tada" means "mountain", and "asana" means "mountain". "asana" means posture, asana. It is also called pentagram pose because in mountain pose, the shape of the body resembles a five-pointed star. The arms, legs and head are compared to the sides of a pentagram, hence the name.
Asana Details
Standing in Mountain Pose. Spread the legs 3-4 feet wide apart and distribute the body weight to the feet.
The feet should be below the wrists, facing forward and parallel, with the palms facing up, down or forward.
Open your fingers, press your shoulder blades back slightly, pull your kneecaps up and squeeze your thighs, and gather your tailbone so that you feel strong and solid as your feet are rooted to the ground.
Relax your shoulders back and open your chest forward. Breathe deeply and stretch the top of your head toward the sky. Look straight ahead, keeping your chin parallel to the ground.
Exhale forcefully pressing into your feet, extending your fingers to the side and the top of your head upward, feeling your body expand in all 5 directions. Practice 3 times a day, holding for 30-60 seconds each time.
Asana Benefits
This asana stretches and strengthens your feet, knees and ankles.
It mobilizes all muscles and joints to stretch the hips, groin, hamstrings and calves as well as the shoulders, chest and spine.
Doing this asana not only increases endurance, but also helps correct your posture by realigning your spine.
This asana helps you connect with your consciousness and by practicing it, you will feel more alert, calm and creative.
During the exercise, you must stand on both feet to balance your body. Flexibility also increases with practice.
The exercise extends the body in five directions, which is good for elongating muscle lines, eliminating flab and burning fat!
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